1-30 Eli and Samuel. Last of the Judges.

2 years ago

​#Atheism #Evolution #jesusisamyth

Garry Stevens:
The priest Eli, guardian of the sacred Ark, sees his sacred charge captured by the Philistines. The Israelites are at their lowest point. Now arises Samuel to lift them from their moral depravity. In spite of his misgivings, God instructs Samuel to give the people a king: Saul. I also discuss the many textual problems in the books of Samuel, comparing the Septuagint to the Masoretic text.

If we were all atheists, then we would be better off as a society.
Why? Because all religious violence would immediately cease."

#darthdawkins #Catholicism #AllGodsAreImagined #Zionism #protestantism #KentHovind #DinosaurAdventureLand

Discussions, debates, feuds, venom, chuckles, parody, satire, reaction, review, education firebrand atheism.

Axioms of Sidney Winston:
-All gods are imaginary.
-Human evolution is a fact.
-The Eleven Satanic Rules of the Earth are more ethical than the Ten Commandments of Christianity.

Support the channel:
e-Transfer to winston.schneider@gmail.com


Please also visit:

Garry Stevens https://www.historyinthebible.com/

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