Jolly Roger & Pirate Tutorial!

2 years ago

For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.
- Matthew 6:21 (KJV)

The Legend of Pirates Online:

Business Information

RighteousGhostWords is a video production company with multiple target audiences.
The company creates videos ranging from vlogs to gaming videos.

The primary purpose of the company is to share bible scriptures in a motivating and educational way.

Game Information

The Legend of Pirates Online is a fan recreation of the 2007 game Pirates of the Caribbean Online.
It is an open-world roleplaying game that strongly encourages multiplayer gameplay.

It has both land and sea combat, so expect sword fights and ship battles.
It has many different islands to explore, although, much of its exploration is just fighting and looting.

Video Information

Level: 1
Quest: Tutorial
Player: Dashing Firebolt
Location: Rambleshack
Named NPCs: Will Turner - Captain Bo Beck - Jolly Roger
Generic NPCs: Undead Gravediggers
Producer: RJDJ
Created: February 24th of 2023

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