SOS Discord expose

2 years ago

So here it is the long awaiting video I tell ya getting this info is not easy but I want everyone to know that this video
is a video where I expose,give constructive criticism and talk about things that the SOS discord sever did.
I didn't go down everything in this video but I have links to videos to back up what I got to say
0:00 intro
1:22 squadsane
6:18 trapmaster
11:53 extra arcs
14:49 Chozo warrior arc pt1
26:15 Wings drama
29:54 Chozo Warrior arc pt2
37:06 my new score on the knuckle push ups challenge
Tyslader vs SOS:
The Nino Debate | Defamation of Character & SOS Server:
If you guys think trapmaster is a criminal report him here:
The video that started Rebecca rage:
My livestream talking to the SOS mods when they didn't show up in VC:
Me vs gucci:
low tier juri twitter account:
low tier juri alt account:
The deleted wings trolls wiki page about me:
WINGS007 INTERVIEW ! Talks recent drama:
luv/Sy Creepo Exposed:
Luv twitter account:
SY twitter account:
The gaming video I used for halo2:
Robo kill game play:
Halo combat evolved game play:
Music I use in the video
like no other:
Ratchet & Clank - Oltanis Orbit - Gemlik Base:
Metroid Prime Music- Phazon Mines:
BIONICLE Heroes DS Soundtrack: Sky Temple:
Brinstar - Red Soil Wetland Area - Super Metroid Music:
Metroid Prime: Hunters Music - Celestial Archives Theme #2:
Halo 3 - Dream Again Extended:
Halo 3 ODST: Original Soundtrack - 04 Rain (Deference for Darkness):
BIONICLE Heroes DS Soundtrack: Voya Nui Bay:
BIONICLE Heroes DS Soundtrack: Ancient Reservoir:
Tekken 4 OST: Authentic Sky:
Plok! - "Boss" theme but it's an actual Hotline Miami 2 track:
2 day discord link to talk to me:
I hope this video can give you guys info thank you for watching and hearing my side on things if you guys want check out my other medias
Main channel:
2nd channel:
Gaming channel:
trash channel:
Music channel:
xbox live: chozo warrior 1
PSN : chozo warrior
have a god fortune to you all

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