#088😮We Asked A Railroad Inspector🕵️About Palestine Ohio Derailment, What He Said Will Shock You…

1 year ago

Crews released vinyl chloride into the atmosphere by burning it which turned it into phosgene gas. Phosgene was a chemical warfare agent used in WWI) Phosgene when in the lungs disrupts the air-blood barrier by damaging the alveoli in the lungs.

The reasoning for this release appears to be one of two things: 1) The official story is that there was a time sensitive nature to the release of the vinyl chloride and that a “worse” explosion could have ensued throwing shrapnel into nearby homes. 2) The company wanted the shortest cleanup time possible and bringing in materials to neutralize the noxious and flammable materials would have been more time and capital intensive. Which is truly correct, we will never know.

Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg, meanwhile, did not have the time to attend to this, but rather was focused on the amount of white people working on roads in America. This has drawn bi-partisan criticism for the future presidential hopeful.

In the midst of this Governor of Ohio Mike DeWine was informed that Ohio citizens were not eligible for Federal Relief from FEMA.

With 150 cars, the train had already broken down once earlier that week. Inspection times had been reduced.

Animals appear to be suffering from poisoning as well.

Norfolk Southwest offered originally a $25,000 donation for the community, which it has since raised to 1 million dollars.
Questions for the chairs:

Theology: What does the government say about restitution? What should the response of the government be to NSX (the railway company)?

Philosophy: How should we as Christians hold our standard of liberty while demanding restitution and accountability? What responsibilities come with freedoms? (What kind of punishments must be enforced by the government to allow for a free market?)

Culture: How have we lost sight of what capitalism is vs the corporatist structure that we have now? Capitalism has been conflated with this crony-pseudo-capitalism mixed with government intervention. How should we as Christians present our case that liberty comes with responsibility, and not a get out of jail free card because your company is “too big to fail/suffer accountability?

Politics: When our politicians are more focused on reelection than on their jobs, it sets a precedent for incompetence. What type of restitution should we as Christians be demanding for the people of Palestine, Ohio? How should the government go about extracting this from NSX?

Economics: When you consider the preventable aspects of this were money and time related, workers were given half the time to inspect these cars as they had previously been allotted, should we not impose a stronger impetus, ie a 5X restitution upon NSX? What would that do for their bottom line in the future? What kind of precedent would that set?

#america #conservative #google #woke #fed #furthereveryday #christianity #podcast #podcasts #listenable #freedom #ohio #derailment #ohiodisaster #mayorpete

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