Antichrist’s Second Campaign Against The South and The King Of The South(Madhi) Jeremiah 46:3-6 46-8

1 year ago

From The Coming Tribulation Series Part 3b: #VI The Second Campaign Against The South

(23) Then [Balaam] pronounced his oracle, and said, "Alas! Who can survive once God unleashes it (i.e., the Great Tribulation)? (24) For ships will come from the direction of Kittim, and they will afflict Ashur, and they will afflict Eber. For this is even the one (i.e., antichrist) . . . until he perishes."
Numbers 24:23-24

Egypt will rise up like the Nile, and her waters (i.e., the forces of the southern alliance) will surge forth like the [Nile's] streams. And she will say, "I will rise up. I will inundate the world. I will destroy [its] cities and their inhabitants".
Jeremiah 46:8

(3) "Muster [your troops] with buckler and shield, and advance to the battle. (4) Harness your horses and order your cavalry to mount up. Assemble with your helmets. Polish your spears. Put on your armor. (5) But why do I see them [all] terrified and falling back to the rear? [It is because] their picked troops have been smashed and are in headlong flight. They do not even look back, for there is terror all around [them]". (6) The Lord declares, "Let the swift not flee [to safety] nor the strong escape. In the north, by the river Euphrates, they shall stumble and fall".
Jeremiah 46:3-6

(2) "Son of man, prophesy and say, 'Thus says the Lord, "Wail! Woe for the day! (3) For a day [of judgment] is close, [yes], the day of the Lord is close. It will be a day of clouds and time [of judgment] for the nations. (4) For a sword will come against Egypt, and writhing will come upon Cush. When the slain fall in Egypt, they will take away her treasures and her foundations will be trampled. (5) Cush, and Put, and Lydia, and all Arabia, Lybia and all the peoples in league with the land [of Egypt] (i.e., all the allies of the king of the south) will fall by the sword.'"
Ezekiel 30:2-5 (cf. Ezek.20:45-48)

(2) For I will spur on Egyptians against Egyptians, and they will fight one against his brother and another against his friend, a city against a city and a kingdom against a kingdom (i.e., the splintering of the triple coalition). (3) And Egypt's spirit will be emptied from the midst of her, for I will confound her plans, although they consult their idols and mediums and oracles and familiar spirits. (4) And I will hand Egypt over into the hand of a cruel master (i.e., antichrist), even a stern king (cf. Dan.8:23) [who] will rule over them, says the Lord God of hosts."
Isaiah 19:2-4

(3b) And the entire earth was in awe of the beast. And they worshiped the dragon because he had given his authority to the beast. (4)And they worshiped the beast, saying, "Who is like the beast? And who is able to make war with him?".
Revelation 13:3b-4

Daniel 11:20c-45 breakdown.
verse 21: Synopsis of the beast's career part 1: His rise to power and his methodology in seizing control of mystery Babylon.
verse 22: Synopsis of the beast's career part 2: Mobilization for and destruction at Armageddon. Identification of antichrist as the prophesied "prince of the covenant".
verse 23: Return to the chronological order by reprising antichrist's methods in gaining control of mystery Babylon.
verse 24: Seizure of the seven kingdoms (revived Rome); consolidation of power and preparations for attacking the southern alliance.
verses 25-28: The first campaign against the three kingdoms (the southern alliance).
verses 29-30a: The second campaign against the south.
verses 30b-35: The attempted assassination of antichrist, his putative resuscitation, and his resultant persecution of Israel.
verses 36-39: The reign of antichrist during the Great Tribulation.
verses 40-43: Reprise of antichrist's victory over the southern alliance during the Tribulation's first half giving a more detailed account of the second campaign.
verse 44: The departure of antichrist from Israel to secure his kingdom following the fifth bowl judgment.
-verse45: The defeat of antichrist at Armageddon.

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