How Satan Uses Worship Music To Foment False Revival-NOW THE END BEGINS.COM-FEB 22 2023

1 year ago

On this episode of 'Rightly Dividing', if you're one of those Christians who are still fuming at us over our previous articles on the false revival of Asbury, then tonight's Bible study will send you into orbit so you might want to avoid it. But if you do tune in, and we absolutely hope you do, what you will hear is a sound and thorough Bible study on the role of music in the life of Lucifer who became Satan, and in his descendants who are still with us today. Nebuchadnezzar is the best type of Antichrist in the Bible, and he used 6 musical instruments to entice the people to worship him instead of God. His music bore little to no resemblance to God's music of the Psalms, just as most contemporary 'Christian' music bears little to no resemblance to the old-fashioned hymns that preach to your soul as much as they minister to your ear. We have added double the amount of article links below, and hope you will read them for further context on this topic.

Tonight on 'Rightly Dividing', we expose the hypnotic, trance-inducing music of the current false revival, and show you just how deeply it is rooted in the worship that Satan so very much desires to receive.

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