THE DARK RANGER STILL SLAPS! | Project Ascension S8 | Classless WoW | Progression, Ironman, Raiding

2 years ago

Mcdoubles back again with a brand new video and today we hop back on the DARK RANGER for some hefty progress and a quest for a brand new version of the build!

Ultimately, I want to try a Black Arrow version of the spec, so in this video we begin our journey for that. We also hop into more raids and pull some brand new pieces of gear, complete the Ironman challenge with an interesting twist, and ponder about how we would make WoW (and Ascension) an even better game!

This character is easily my favorite so far and I think I have multiple builds that I can try on him in the future, so another major goal is going to be to obtain the T2 Shaman 8 set bonus. I want to finish that, finish the next couple brand new legendary worldforged enchants that we have left to play with in Chapter 2, and then hop onto some brand new DPS specs I have in mind.

Server: Thrall
0:00-0:23 - Intro
0:24-3:49 - What we did between the last video and this one
3:50-5:14 - World Boss 2nd place DPS and we pumped!
5:15-8:48 - The quest for the Black Arrow theorycraft begins!
8:49-16:12 - A quick Ironman journey!
16:13-17:50 - Rerolling and hoping for Black Arrow
17:51-30:41 - Raiding BWL with Dark Ranger
30:42-34:52 - Raiding Onyxia with Dark Ranger
34:53-37:09 - Giveaway and Final Thoughts

🛎️ If you missed the last video make sure to check it out first here🛎️

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