Catholic Profession of Faith for The Great Apostasy, Pt. 7 of 8: See description for details

2 years ago

This Profession of Faith is absolutely necessary for these days of The Great Apostasy for the restoration of the true Catholic faith and thus the Catholic Church, and so as to know who is a Catholic and who is not.

This seventh lesson covers the following topics:
* Buffoonery and foolish talking
* Only 8 people survived the Great Flood in Noah's era
* UFO's and space aliens are of the devil
* Living humans reside only on earth
* God allows fallen angels and damned humans to roam the earth to tempt and harass men
* The half human half angel heresy
* The half man half animal heresy
* The heresy that man can become God
* The kingship of Christ and Caesar's due
* Christ rules nations and states through his Catholic Church
* Catholics must first obey God's laws and then the just laws of the state or nation they are under
* Natural science can be understood by man's reason, supernatural things must be believed by faith
* Catholics must vote for the lesser of evils
* The only government systems approved by God are based on the natural law, the family structure, and God's hierarchy in heaven
* it is contrary to the natural law for women to have supreme power in any kingdom
* God allows his chosen people to be captive in non-Catholic nations as a punishment for their sins, to test their faith, or to evangelize the unbelievers
* Catholics living under evil systems such as republics and democracies must tolerate and obey the leaders in all things that are not sinful
* For nationalism and against globalism
* Against racism and God wants all men to be saved
* Correct forms of nationalism and national identity, and against national idolatry

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