Catholic Profession of Faith for The Great Apostasy, Pt. 6 of 8: See description for details

1 year ago

This Profession of Faith is absolutely necessary for these days of The Great Apostasy for the restoration of the true Catholic faith and thus the Catholic Church, and so as to know who is a Catholic and who is not.

This sixth lesson covers the following topics:
* Doctors can cure physical ills, but only God can cure spiritual ills
* Spiritual ills, demonic oppression and possession
* Psychiatry, hypnosis, self-help groups such as Alcoholics Anonymous etc.
* Many mental illnesses are invented such as PTSD
* Blood transfusions, organ transplants, and physical medical research are not intrinsically evil
* Against idolisation of nature
* Against unnecessary harm to the ecosystem
* Creationism, evolutionism, and Geocentrism
* Conspiracies for good and evil
* Evil and non-evil secret societies
* Catechumens and pre-catechumens must desist from mortal sin and repent of their lying before entering the Catholic Church
* Natural science can be understood by man's reason, supernatural things must be believed by faith
* Obstinate liars who do not believe natural things can not be taught supernatural things
* Obvious falsehoods that should not be believed
* The earth being flat is an obvious heretical falsehood
* Things that Catholics should condemn and avoid
* Catholics are allowed to learn about abhorrent things for historical, educational, and research purposes, or to refute them

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