A Fresh Cup Of Tolerance | Tom Norris

2 years ago

In his new novel, Tom Norris, author and counselor, brings a fresh perspective to the topic of Universalism.

With eight billion people on the planet, and that number growing, living (loving) together is a survival essential. A Fresh Cup Of Tolerance, Tom Norris's follow up book to A Fresh Cup Of Counseling, focuses on how we can not only survive, but thrive. The book draws from myriad spiritual foundations from Native American, Asian, Neopagan, Judeo-Christian, and Islamic traditions. Pragmatic and straightforward, it addresses the most pressing global dilemmas of our time: environment, globalization, feminism and gender issues, religious strife, oppression, poverty, war, and prejudice. His book teaches us how Universalism can offer a pathway to hope.

Tom has taught in the Religious Studies Department at Florida International University since 2005,

He also taught psychology courses at St. Thomas University and Miami International University. He currently teaches World Religions, Introduction to Religion, and Liberation Theology at Florida University. With 51 years of counseling experience, he is the head of the spiritual and pastoral counseling agency, and Inner Life Transformations, which provides online counseling for people worldwide.


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