Chiba Castle #inohanacastle

1 year ago

Chiba Castle - 千葉城 , is located in Chiba City’s Inohana Park (亥鼻公園).
It is also commonly known as “Inohana Castle“.

Tsuneshige Chiba of the Chiba family built the castle in 1126.
The Chiba Clan assisted Yoritomo Minamoto who wanted to become the first shogun in Japan.
After many years of being useful to the shogunate, the Chiba Clan slowly lost their influence.
In 1455 Makuwari Yasutane, who was a relative of the Chiba Family, attacked the castle.
He took control of what was left, but abandoned the castle while keeping the name of Chiba.
He built Motosakura Castle shortly after that.

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