Legal treason: Hunter Biden's laptop and Communist infiltration of the new Deal

2 years ago

Originally this was going to be what part 2 is But I thought this would be a better way to start the conversation. The are two good examples about how Politicians and Mainstream News help suppress truth and spine or out right lie to protect Treasonous agendas. They breath together to hide and to do evil.

The first story is about William A. Wirt a Gary, IN School superintendent who testified in congress trying to warn of communist (Marxist) Infiltration of the government through New deal agencies; but got suppressed and His character assassinated By the very people elected and swore to protect and carry out the will and soul of the nation the constitution. And by the news media only years later He was vindicated and showed to be Correct and a true American Hero, a watchman.

The second story About the man who turned in the Hunter Biden laptop John Paul Mac Isaac a computer repair shop owner. His willingness to raise the alarm to the authorities would cause him to lose almost everything and character dragged through the mud; But he would be proven to be an American hero and the evidence from the laptop would shed light on the Biden families shady dealing with Ukraine, Russia, And china Governments and the "payouts" they would receive through hunter and friends Firm.

How Fixing Hunter Biden’s Laptop SHATTERED This Man’s Life | @Glenn Beck

Schiff: 'Smear on Joe Biden comes from the Kremlin'

New York post
Hunter Biden’s laptop had contacts for Google execs, US officials for China policy

Hunter Biden’s infamous laptop confirmed in New York Times report

Smoking-gun email reveals how Hunter Biden introduced Ukrainian businessman to VP dad

Hunter Biden Paid Tax Bill, but Broad Federal Investigation Continues

William Albert Wirt (1874–1938) was a superintendent of schools in Gary, Indiana.

Books to read

American Betrayal: The Secret Assault on Our Nation’s Character

Red-Handed: How American Elites Get Rich Helping China Win

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