1 year ago

A mental illness that, in today's world, draws praise rather than pity.


Gone are the days when a simple tattoo on the shoulder, chest or back was sufficient to the emotional and psychological needs of a sailor, soldier, gang banger, or confused college student. Gone are the days when the only men who wore and earring were Greek sailors. And gone are the days when the only men or boys who wore a 'top not' aka 'man bun' were Thais from the royal court.

Enter the freak show of the 21st Century.

I'm singling out the most tattooed, pierced, and surgically altered mental case in the world. This is a guy who doesn't even resemble a human being, but rather the image of a failed cartoonist who threw a bucket of paint and metal on the wall and ... voila! You've got Marcelo "B-boy" De Souza Ribeiro, a 40-year-old poster boy for mental illness.

See this:

Dateline Brasilia, Brazil — Marcelo “B-boy” De Souza Ribeiro, 40, has been subjected to a 'first time ever' surgical procedure. He has had his hands split in the middle, kinda like a permanent version of Spock's "Live long and prosper" only there's no prosperity or long life ahead for this guy. A surgical first, he is now contemplating the same surgery for his feet. Where are the mental health counsellors? When he runs out of parts to modify he'll become a candidate for suicide.

Dr. Alonzo Hector Velasquez, Ph.D. describes Ribeiro's condition, "People who do this to their bodies are expressing a disgust of and lack of respect for self. The compulsion to modify and change one's self such as Ribeiro has done is not only unnatural but also self-destructive. A day will certainly come when he tires of body modification, having nothing left to paint, pierce, or cut. And then he will most certainly turn toward suicide, the final body modification.

Suicide is an imminent probability here, especially since he has currently tattooed and pierced over 98% of his body. Simply put, he is running out of room to cut, remove, paint, puncture or otherwise modify his body. When there is nothing left but a sad and confused life, the next step is clear. His actions are a cry for help, and nobody is addressing this. It is a 'crime of society' to allow this to continue."

Read much more about this man and remember that he is a reflection of our society. His disgusting proclivities are representative of the warped and twisted minds of today's society.

I'm Max, and that's the way I see it!

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