MYSTERIOUS metallic MONOLITH (3 METERS TALL) in remote part of UTAH?!?!?! #Disclosure 👉👉👉 Follow me

1 year ago

If it's 3 meters above ground, how much is it BURIED underground for stability?? And, this object is BURIED in SOLID ROCK ground.

These kinds of Monoliths have been found all over the 52 star cluster that we are part of. Also, most of the planets and moons in our solar system has documented evidences of such monoliths on them. We posted the photos of the Monolith on the Mars moon Phobos, which is a boulder about 85 m (279 ft) across and 90 m (300 ft) tall.

Proof: State Employee's Cellphone footage from the SITE

This mysterious monolith has been discovered in a remote part of Utah, after being spotted by state employees counting sheep from a helicopter.

The structure is estimated at between 10ft and 12ft high (about 3 meters).

Has it SPROUTED upwards from the underground or has been firmly PLANTED in the ground??

The object looked manmade and definitely not DROPPED from the SKY.

It was made from some sort of metal, its shine in sharp contrast to the enormous red rocks which surrounded it.

The helicopter pilot, Bret Hutchings, told local news channel KSLTV: “That’s been about the strangest thing that I’ve come across out there in all my years of flying.”

The monolith and its setting resembled a famous scene from Stanley Kubrick’s 1968 film " 2001: A Space Odyssey", in which a group of apes encounter a giant slab.

A lil tidbit: Two topics today...
1. About Earth Moon
Moon is a spaceship. It was built on Jupiter about 38 million years ago. Between the time it was built and 15000 years ago it's been touring around our solar system. We are told by NASA that we have 9 planets in our solar systems, but there's actually 40. Each of those planets have a civilization. And, each of those planets have moons that have civilizations. There's some much trade going on between all those planets both sociologically and technologically. Moon was towed in it's orbit to monitor us on Earth. Moon was towed into it's orbit about 15,000 years ago, just after the last ice age. The color of the daytime sky is saffron yellow. The temperature there is not as high as NASA claims, you can stand outside during the daytime.

2. What is DE*P STATE or C*bal?
De*p state or C*bal consists of the R*thchilds, the British Royal Family, the Vatican, and the Chabad cult.

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