Rhema Feb 20, 2023 ❤️ Jesus says... I’ve gone to prepare a Place for you and you will love it

1 year ago

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Source... Sister Clare's full Teachings in english... http://www.heartdwellers.org

I’ve gone to prepare a Place for you and you will love it

April 26, 2015 – Words from Jesus thru Sister Clare

(Jesus) “In Heaven I have prepared a wonderful abode for each of My precious Brides. I have discriminating taste you know.”

(Clare) Yes, I’ve noticed. Boy, does He ever! He has mastered the use of color and texture beyond anything the human mind can fathom.”

(Jesus) “Yes, each palace is perfect for each one of you. I have made note of all your tastes, colors, textures, animals, architecture, gardens and natural surroundings. Some of you prefer apartment type dwellings, and what I have prepared for you, you will love.

“Some of you love the desert. Wait until you see the cactus plants I have grown for you, blooming continuously with your favorite colored flowers. Waterfalls and canyons, water bluer than the sky, shades of green and aqua dancing in the water. You will love your palace.

“Some of you love the beach. For you I have chosen your favorite shells in all sizes and colors, iridescent and even sparkling. Giant ferns and broad leafed plants, stately palm trees and fresh coconut. You will never get over the lavishness of your dwelling.

“And for those who love the mountain forests, well, you’ll have to talk to Clare about that, or read their book. You will be utterly amazed. Heart shaped lakes, colorful fish that love to be petted, turtles that will ride you around exploring underwater crystals and caves, forest animals you love will gingerly walk with you, deer with their fawns, elks, bears, cougars, all your favorite animals, waiting for you. Oh, how they are waiting, too. Believe it or not they are filled with expectation waiting for their human companions.

“They know your name, and who you are. They will communicate with you their feelings and desires to create an atmosphere of pure bliss and oneness with all of creation, just as it is written. Everything has been filled to overflowing with love and therefore everything overflows with love.”

“What I have waiting for you My Brides will bowl you over in its entirety – you will indeed be dazed for days (although time is perceived differently) as you discover every little detail I have created for you. Butterflies of your favorite color, birds with elaborate plumage, bees that sing, and share their honey generously, flying about in a heart shape just to tell you they are filled with My Love. Those creatures man has used as symbols of evil will be revealed in their former innocence as I created them, to console you and be a part of the ecosystem. Such as snowy owls, falcons and such. In Heaven, there is no death or dying, but there is birth.”

(Clare) How does that happen, Lord?

(Jesus) “It is a mystery I will not unfold to you as yet. I would like to save surprises for you after all.”

(Clare) OK. Well, I reasoned that a pregnant animal might die and then of course it would be restored with its young.

(Jesus) “That is one way. But there are others. Moving along My very Curious and persistent Bride… I have created food for you in Heaven that will replace everything you love on earth, but has its source outside of animal flesh. There is no killing of animals in Heaven, not fish, bird or mammal. As you might have guessed, Heaven is ENORMOUS! There are plains within plains within plains. As Ezekiel experienced through the giant Conch Shell.

(Clare) Yes, he was swimming with the Lord and there was an enormous conch shell lying on the sandy bottom of a lake. As he swam into it he came to the surface and found himself in a huge green meadow with children playing and baby animals everywhere. It was such a happy place! Created just to bring the children joy, and joyful it was, beyond description.


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