March Energy Transmission For Starseeds and Light Workers #starseeds

1 year ago

March Energy Transmission For Starseeds and Light Workers #starseeds

Welcome Starseeds & Lightworkers Energy Prediction Reading for the Collective. Through the Divinity Tool of Tarot - I will channel messages from Star Councils and Benevolent Alien Races, Star Beings & Intergalactic Guides to prepare us for the energies in March 2023.

With peace and many blessings ❣️

My email address is below if you need to reach out to me directly!!

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Clear your chakras:

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Many of us have been called to Mother Earth at this time in history in order to raise the planetary vibration - while this not be an easy task we have chosen to embark on this soul journey of bringing freedom to all living creatures. Please join me in this effort, Namaste

For channelled messages from Tarot please check out my Tarot channel -



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