The Great Pizza Heist/animation video/ummyess7

1 year ago

Hello everyone!
this video is all about The Great Pizza Heist animation funny video in Ummyess7. hope you all enjoy this video!
Here is the video script if you want to read it.
Scene 1:
We open on a busy pizza shop with customers queuing up for their orders. Suddenly, a group of mice enters the shop.

Mice 1: "Alright guys, this is it. The Great Pizza Heist!"

Mice 2: "Yeah! Let's do this!"

Scene 2:
The mice sneak around the pizza shop, avoiding the humans and trying to find a way to steal the pizzas.

Mice 3: "Okay, we need to distract the humans. Any ideas?"

Mice 4: "I have an idea! We can start a dance party!"

Mice 1: "A dance party? That's ridiculous!"

Mice 4: "Trust me, it will work!"

Scene 3:
The mice start a dance party, and all the humans join in. While they are distracted, the mice start to steal the pizzas.

Scene 4:
Suddenly, the pizza shop owner notices that the pizzas are missing.

Pizza Shop Owner: "Hey! Where did all the pizzas go?"

Scene 5:
The mice are running away with the pizzas when they suddenly encounter a cat.

Cat: "Well, well, well, what do we have here?"

Mice 2: "Uh-oh. We're in trouble now."

Scene 6:
The cat starts chasing the mice, and they run through the streets, narrowly avoiding cars and other obstacles.

Mice 1: "We need to get these pizzas back to our hideout!"

Mice 3: "But how?"

Scene 7:
The mice spot a hot air balloon and quickly jump inside with the pizzas.

Mice 4: "This is perfect! We can fly away and nobody will catch us!"

Scene 8:
The mice are flying away in the hot air balloon when suddenly, the balloon starts to deflate.

Mice 2: "Oh no! We're going to crash!"

Scene 9:
The mice crash-land in a park, and the pizzas go flying in all directions.

Mice 1: "Well, that didn't go as planned."

Scene 10:
The mice are dejected as they sit in the park, watching the humans pick up the pizzas.

Mice 3: "I guess we're not very good at this whole stealing thing."

Mice 4: "Yeah, but at least we had fun!"

Mice 1: "And we learned that sometimes, it's better to just enjoy the moment than worry about the consequences."

Scene 11:
The mice all high-five each other as the camera pans out and we see the humans eating the pizzas in the background.

The end.
follow for more videos thank you!

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