Ash Wednesday, the Power of Fasting, and the Lenten Season | Daily Mass Homily

2 years ago

🔗 My Bible:

In this video, we'll explore the meaning of Ash Wednesday, fasting during Lent, and the Lenten Season. This Daily Mass Homily will help you to understand and appreciate the power of Lenten fasting and almsgiving.

Join us for this special Mass Homily to celebrate the beginning of Lent, and to reflect on the meaning of Ash Wednesday, the beginning of the Lenten Season. This year, we'll be focusing on the power of fasting and almsgiving, and how they can help us to grow closer to God.

If you're looking for the answer to your physical, spiritual, financial, psychological, and emotional problems, I will demonstrate in this video how fasting is the answer!

❤️ If you like this video, subscribe to @youthdive because I'll be posting more like this regularly.

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And always remember that you too are called to a life of Holiness, Perfect Charity, and the Propagation of the Kingdom of God.

Pray. Listen. Obey.

See you in the next video.

Bye. 🙂

#lentenseason #ashwednesday #catholicism #lent #homily
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