War-Pig & Military Industry Spokesperson Rachel Maddow, Smears Anti-War, Pro-Peace Rally In D.C.

2 years ago

#WarIsARacket #WarIsASickness #AllGovernmentsAreCorrupt #TheGreatReset #FakeLiberal

War-Pig & Military Industry Spokesperson Rachel "Madcow" Maddow, Smears Anti-War, Pro-Peace Rally In D.C.

With an annual salary of $20 million dollars, who can blame her or anyone in a similar position? It pays big to be pro-war! Bombs being dropped, innocent people being killed? Who cares, as long I can boost my ego and obtain massive wealth, right? Peace? That's for those crazy weirdos and far-right wing, white-supremacist nutjobs, even though being anti-war/pro-peace has always traditionally been a true progressive and liberal stance. Imagine not wanting a nuclear holocaust. Endless wars forever or until The World Economic Forum freaks finally get their way and usher in their "Great Reset". Hooray!

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