Ometepe Nicaragua | Traveling from Leon by Public Transportation Bus & Ferry | Vlog 14 February 2023

2 years ago

It's Valentine's Day and Dominica and I and some friends are heading from our home cities of Leon and Managua to travel to the island of Ometepe for a few days. We are taking the public buses and ferry to get there. So today we show the Leon UCA terminal, the big Managua bus terminal, the ferry port at San Jorge and the ride on the ferry over to San Jose del Sur, Ometepe on the island after crossing Lago Nicaragua.

Early part of the show is filmed in Moyogalpa at Hotel Hefziba in the garden. Second part after the camera recovered was filmed at Hotel Congos in Merida.

Meal was at the Blue Corner in Moyogalpa.

Iximche Shuttle Leon:
Their WhatsApp: +50589139762

Ugh, got the month wrong on the video title. It was too late to change. It was really Valentine's Day.

I get my music from Artlist and Epidemic:
Epidemic Sound:

I also wrote a book called "Linux Administration Best Practices". It helps me a lot when people buy it from Amazon.

0:00 Bump
0:25 The Plan
4:50 Arriving at the UCA Bus in Leon
8:15 Managua Bus Terminal
9:20 San Jorge Ferry Port
12:30 Filming at Hotel Congos
13:03 Ferry Ride on Lake Nicaragua
18:00 Arriving at San Jose del Sur
19:25 Hotel Hunting in Moyogalpa
19:50 Blue Corner Restaurant Moyogalpa
21:40 Hotel Hefziba

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