my therapist to me: are you here to mock me?

2 years ago

wtf is that on my neck
yawl should yell at yourselves more
i promise there's sumin you're doin wrong
opening up a protein cookie btw
so easy to repeat unnecessary information
important information gets disregarded and replaced with useless information
honest criticism is trying to help a bitch out
bitches need a lotta help...what is therapy doin
he did it in his own way as anyone of any talent should in their chosen profession
very few can make the guitar their own personal instrument
brubeck has his own time signatures
making an instrument speak your sound
sex, drugs, n trucks
pornographic or drug-related, comedy has the same problem as well
they can't push me around, women are so controlling
stereotypes are annoying
etiquette is for pussies
not just this voice...
my last name is gross, i'm allowed to do whatever the hell i want
also a comedian so that statement allows me extra leverage
comedians/artists used to be freaks, now it's just liberals
liberals don't understand life so they have better taste in music
if you're gonna be secular at least go to the record store
the spiritual value of music can never be over-stated, i hate my music tho even if it is me expressing my authentic self
only ten above the speed limit (when on the interstate)
back when fb started i saw the futility of it
they love calling people nazis
nazis or not, who gives a fuck
why isn't it enough for you to just not be a skinhead
let's pretend liberals have morals
thank your lucky stars (since you don't believe in God) true!
i want what's best for society
do yawl remember this timeline
two scrunchies
baby mush is their brain, gerbil instead of a baby's head
no shots are healthy, we warned a lotta people
i don't want em to die all becuz _______
what if they also reported you to HR for conspiratorial persuasions
anything positive shouldn't require coercion
same problem w/ organized religion
let's study sodomites n lezbos and t people i guess...what are we allowed to call em
God chose to put me in this crap era
the gay epidemic, so true!
pharmaceutical epidemic, feminist epidemic
i wish i could get people off their phones
doomed to being thrown into social situations where i can observe society
inclination to spew is wrong
i don't edit, no time to do that
i don't wanna do _____, shit ain't worth it
twitter is sociopathic and narcissistic
this weather is amazing right now
phone/technology/internet epidemic, so true!
i should already be at work

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