The Crime of the Century - Mike Gill - The Largest Drug Trafficking Ring Imaginable

1 year ago

This is HUGE! Is this about to be exposed? This makes everything else seem petty. What if the new head of the swamp snake is the person who is supposed to be cleaning the swamp. It much more widespread than we could have ever imagined. We may be watching a global mafia war. Are any of them for a true republic?

This is what EVERYONE should be paying attention to. One BOMBSHELL after another.

Corruption is the most profitable industry in this country. It's no wonder politicians spend 90% of their time strategizing on how to get reelected -- maintaining their positions as they dupe the taxpayers and fill their own pockets.

The corruption is organized worldwide crime. Ukraine is just a central massive laundering funnel to steal from American taxpayers and line the dirty criminals "politcians" pockets.

Could it be we are watching political theatrics on a Global Scale?

Mark Gill has the goods and was offered $50 million to look the other way. He has PROOF of this.

He didn't take it.

After watching this you may scratch your head and say "whoa."

You may be like me and have a ton of questions.

SOURCE: Brendon Lee O'Connell --

3 Videos that tie EVERYTHING Together and will SHOCK the Sh!t out of you:
1. The Crime of the Century - Mike Gill - The Largest Drug Trafficking Ring Imaginable –
2. KAY GRIGGS - Illuminati Kay Griggs tells ALL - Military is Run by Homosexual Deviants - *Hidden GEM –
3. Mike Gill on Dark Outpost 2/18/2023 –

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