Catholic Profession of Faith for The Great Apostasy, Pt. 4 of 8: See description for details

2 years ago

This Profession of Faith is absolutely necessary for these days of The Great Apostasy for the restoration of the true Catholic faith and thus the Catholic Church, and so as to know who is a Catholic and who is not.

This fourth lesson covers the following topics:
* Working on the Lord's Day
* The Divine Essence of The Holy Trinity: begets, begots, and proceeds
* The form and likeness of God
* NOTHING can exist without God's power
* The heresy of pantheism
* Catholics must profess the Faith under certain conditions and situations
* Catholics must judge and condemn manifest sinners
* When Catholics must punish sinners
* Sins of omission
* The heresies of non-judgmentalism and non-punishmentalism
* Rules on the necessity for corporal punishment
* Rules on the death penalty
* Just reasons for slavery
* Just reasons for necessary torture
* Righteous hatred and anger explained
* Justified and unjustified vengeance
* Catholics must be willing to both die and kill for Christ
* St Francis of Assisi anathemetized and cursed one of his brothers for persisting on pursuing and promoting a condemned course of study
* Tithes, donations, simony, and usury
* Abortion, contraception, and the beginnings of life
* Marriage rules of sexual pleasure vs. lust (Canticle of Canticles)

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