Deep Dive Bible Study | Kings of Compromise pt17: “The Need and Seeds of Revival

2 years ago

Revival: God IS in it and aligning what is taking place at Asbury University and what is going on across the US with what is happening in 1 Kings 18 on Mount Carmel! 💯

If you need a move of God today in your life, your church, or your Nation, you can get one. Where God moved powerfully in the past, He can also move powerfully in our present.

There is a showdown going on at Mount Carmel between ONE prophet of God, Elijah, and 450 prophets of Baal. God sends down holy fire 🔥 and a great national revival takes place for Israel.

We are going to study it and discuss the signs that you need a revival and the seeds necessary to plant one.

Start [0:00]
▶ How can you get a move of God in your life? [1:30]
▶ What was the most dramatic revival in Israel’s history? [4:28]
▶ Why do we need more Elijahs? [11:03]
▶ How should Christians react to a pagan culture? [12:03]
▶ What is a sleepy Christian? [14:45]
▶ What is a carnal cultural Christian? [18:26]
▶ Do you feel like you are all alone? [24:09]
▶ The fire of heaven and the showdown on Mount Carmel [25:43]
▶ What can the prayer of a righteous man do? [38:10]
▶ A pattern for how revival falls amongst God’s people [42:23]
▶ What are the 6 signs that we need revival? [43:43]
▶ What can we do to plant the seeds for revival? [47:19]
▶ A prayer for revival [52:58]

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