Galatians 04 The Argument for Faith 3:1-29

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Good afternoon SBC family and friends,

I am happy to send out to you the notes on Galatians 3. We've already seen Galatians 1-2, which is the personal section of the epistle where Paul defends his gospel and apostleship. Galatians 3-4 moves into the doctrinal section where Paul defends the gospel of faith and freedom. Some of Paul's argument is difficult to follow because we're not accustomed or familiar with the arguments of his Jewish opponents. My goal is to make these arguments as simple to follow as possible. The emphasis will be on faith, and that is a key point. The gospel is a gospel of faith and that gospel in Galatians incorporates justification and sanctification. Don't let anyone steal your FREEDOM. We are justified by faith, not faith and works, and not a faith that works, but simply FAITH, which is the transfer of confidence to Christ when convinced He is reliable to save from the penalty and/or power of sin.

I hope you enjoy it. I had hoped to teach the whole chapter, and the notes cover the whole chapter, but I also realized by 3:14 that this is too much. I pushed through several more hours to finish the argument through 3:15-29 so I made sure and covered all my bases logically, but we will divide this chapters notes into two weeks of lessons.

For Sunday I am putting together the introduction and background to Titus. I hope to reveal some very interesting background to the island of Crete that helps us understand the key of Titus, which is the importance of doing good works.

Grace to you,


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