Dark Days: Will the Truth Ever be Faced? - part 7

2 years ago

A lot of information is being produced these days, from the Twitter Files reporting to the testimony in front of the aptly-named House Subcommittee on Weaponization of the Government to Seymour Hersh's piece on the destruction of the Nordstream pipeline. But even as obvious as it has become, the real perps operating here are never addressed or even hinted at, including by "alternative" media who are pushing this stuff. In the final round of videos I focus on the end of a discussion on media, the CIA and the MIC involving Matt Taibbi, Chris Hedges and John Kiriakou, and a recent interview of Tulsi Gabbard by IDW frontman Jordan Peterson where she talks about her time in the Democractic party in DC. The bottom line question again: is there any reason to be optimistic at all, no matter how much is revealed? Or is this just alternative spin that gets no one closer to the answer?

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