2 Guys Drinking Coffee Episode 94

2 years ago

(From JFK to East Palestine)

• In the past week, we've had three more train derailments all over the country plus a truck with hazardous chemicals and a 5-acre plastics fire in Florida.

• Which made you forget about the three additional balloons that were shot down this week, after the one off the coast of South Carolina, remember that?
JFK Assassination: This was a CIA hit. It was a conspiracy of central bankers and power players within and without the government.

All Wars: Since probably the Napoleonic wars have been orchestrated and provoked by the bankers of the world. These people support both sides of the wars because… WARS ARE MONEY MAKING ENTERPRISES!

9/11: Do you really think the Twin Towers just collapsed as if it were a controlled demolition? The perpetrators were assisted by the CIA in this plot.

10th Amendment: All federal agencies unless specified in the US Constitution are in violation of the 10th Amendment and are therefore unconstitutional. Yet, there they stay protected by a corrupt federal bureaucracy for the purposes of controlling the people of the United States and to usher in the One-World government… the Great Reset.

20th Century Medicine: The Rockefellers and other BIG money families realized early on that billions and trillions of dollars were to be made by controlling the “healthcare” of the world. Because of that they invested in Big Pharma and medical schools to produce generations of “doctors” that were little more than educated pharmaceutical sales reps. The medical profession went from “diagnosis and restore” to pill pushers.

Vaccines: The “Snake Oil” of the modern era. The only thing vaccines are good at is creating wealth for Big Pharma and the investors thereof.

Covid-19: A well planned and executed attack and deception perpetrated on the entire world. There are so many aspects and tentacles emerging from this that it could take several podcasts just to focus on this topic alone.

HAARP: It has no military applications. It is only for atmospheric experimentation.
How about the greatest whopper of all: If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor. If you like your insurance, you can keep your insurance.
Plus let’s talk about “Predictive Programing.”

Movie: KNOWING (About an oil rig disaster in the gulf of Mexico) – A year later, the Deep Water Horizon disaster

Movie: x-Files Spinoff – THE LONE GUNMAN – Pilot episode where a plane is flown into the World Trade Center – SIX MONTHS BEFORE 9/11

Movie: WHITE NOISE – Out at the end of 2022 - About a train wreck that poisons a small town in Ohio (Filmed at least in part in Palestine, OH).

We'll talk about all this and more!

If you are still one of the people that believes the government is there to protect you and provide for your welfare, then in the words of George Strait, “I have some ocean front property in Arizona” for sale.

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