Easter is a pagan holiday and God hates pagan holidays

1 year ago

Easter is not about Jesus at all but Ishtar a pagan moon goddess of ancient Babylon, nimrod started all these pagan holidays, Ash Wednesday, 40 days of lent, palm Sunday, sunrise services, egg hunts , dying eggs, mother day, father day, eating Ham, Christmas eve, Christmas, thanksgiving, all pagan holidays from ancient Babylon, Tammuz was born on December 25 not Jesus, palm Sunday is when the pagans would celebrate their queen of heaven Ishtar, Baal and Tammuz, Jesus died on Wednesday and rose on Saturday not Sunday, the early believers were Jewish then the gentiles came in and Paul told them to give up their pagan ways and not eat food sacrificed to idols, Jesus never said to celebrate ash Wednesday, palm Sunday, get dumb ash on your head, do 40 days of lent, do palm Sunday, get up early for a sunrise services to Ishtar queen of heaven, do Easter , dye eggs, eat ham, go to a man made church and honor Ishtar queen of heaven, act like you are honoring God when you are not, do not follow and worship the false gods and pagan practices around you that worship Baal, Ishtar, Molech for I the Lord am jealous and will destroy those who forsake Me for pagan idols, God hates all the pagan holidays and those celebrating Easter are fake phony lukewarm dead church members and pastors, Jesus hates traditions, religion and pagan holidays, He said take and eat for this is my body I give so that man will be saved, take and drink the wine for I sacrifice myself so many will be saved, Jesus told John and Peter to get everything needed for the Passover meal and prepare it in the upper room and all the 12 were there and Jesus said this is the last Passover meal I shall eat with you all, tonight one of you will betray Me, and all the disciples said who is it Lord and Jesus said it is he who takes the bread from Me and handed it to Judas and said what you are about to do go and do it quickly, Tuesday night was when Jesus was arrested, taken to annas and the high priest house, they judged Him, beat Him and Wednesday they took Him to Pilate and He went to Herod who sent Him back to Pilate and said are you the king of the Jews and Jesus answered it is as you say, those who handed Me over are guilty of wanting Me to die, then Pilate yelled do you want Jesus or Barabbas and everyone yelled Barabbas and yelled crucify Him, Jesus was whipped and then walked all the way to Golgotha where soldiers nailed Him to a tree and everyone laughed and mocked Him, He died on Wednesday and was buried on Wednesday and Passover was on Thursday, so Wednesday, Wednesday night, Thursday, Thursday night and Friday to Friday night is three days and nights, the women would have waited until Passover and the feast of unleavened bread was over so probably went very early on Monday and Jesus was already gone, the Catholic Church and all the churches lie to people so the pastor can get money and more members inside, he is just a man that is it, if any pastor does not preach from the Bible, talk about repentence or lead by the Holy Spirit get out of that church before you end up in hell, that pastor is a wolf and sending people to hell and God will judge all pastors with a heavier judgement, they will not escape being judged at all, church does not save you, being Catholic and saying all the vain pagan garbage doesn't save you, being a church member or pastor doesn't save you at all, Jesus only does and is the Lion of Judah and not a baby in the manager at all, all so called lukewarm phony fake Christians will hear from Jesus depart from Me you workers of inquinity for I never knew you, stop celebrating pagan holidays that God hates

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