A mysterious, large metal ball was discovered on a beach in Japan, prompting investigation

1 year ago

A mysterious, large metal ball was discovered on a beach in Japan, prompting investigation

A mysterious iron ball nearly 5 feet wide was found on a beach in Hamamatsu City, Japan, this week. Officials scrambled to ensure the giant ball was not a bomb, according to Japanese broadcaster NHK, which released video of police examining it.

The ball is not a bomb, officials said – but its origin is still unknown. The peculiar orb, which is hollow and sand-colored, has baffled locals and social media users.

The ball was first spotted by a local resident, according to NHK. Law enforcement closed off the beach as they examined and X-rayed the object, deeming it safe. It will be removed from the beach soon, local authorities said.

One local man told NHK he came to the beach for a run and was surprised at all the attention on the ball because he claims it had been there for a month. "I tried to push it, but it wouldn't budge."

READ MORE :https://www.cbsnews.com/news/ball-discovered-beach-in-japan-investigation-hamamatsu-city/

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