History: Science or Fiction? Kulikovo field. Battle for Moscow. Film 7 of 24

1 year ago

The history textbook reads: “The Battle of Kulikovo took place in September 1380 on a wide field at the confluence of the Don and Nepryadva rivers between the troops of Moscow Prince Dmitry Ivanovich and the ruler of the Golden Horde of the Tatar warlord Mamai. As a result of a bloody battle, Prince Dmitry, nicknamed Donskoy by his contemporaries, won. This victory put an end to the Tatar-Mongol yoke in Russia. Everything is simple and clear. One last thing that needs to be done is to go to the Tula region, where the Kulikovo field is located, and see this famous place with your own eyes. But what will we find there? Apart from the obelisk, erected in the middle of the 19th century, there is nothing to see there. No churches to the glory of victory, no burial mounds where the participants in the battle are buried, nothing. Maybe there is something in the ground? After all, something must remain after the battle, in which tens of thousands of people died on both sides.
At the site of the great battle, several items that were part of the warrior's equipment were found. Plus arrowheads that could have belonged to ordinary hunters. Plus some geophysical anomaly, whose nature is generally unknown. And that's all! How to explain such meager results? There can be only 2 explanations: either scientists searched badly, or they searched in a wrong place. It is difficult to agree with the first, with the second it is even more difficult, since it is known from school where the battle took place.

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