RJMI’s Journey into the Catholic Church; St. Lucy’s Church In NJ; and Other Topics ~ Video Lecture

2 years ago

This lecture was recorded on 2023/01/01, the Feast Day of the Circumcision of Our Lord.

(Includes a court room scene from the 'mafia' movie "Find Me Guilty" which references St. Lucy's Church in NJ. The video concludes with imagery from within St. Lucy's revealing the breath-taking finery and beauty of the statues, decor, and artefacts.)

The topics discussed here include:
* Apostate Judaism’s equal rights and usury.
* Merchant of Venice movie explains usury.
* Living frugal to avoid usury and debt.
* Evils of capitalism
* College football play-offs, stadium crowds bring to mind the Machabees wars.
* The Book of Machabees synopsis.
* Christmas holy week announcements.
* Death of ‘The Rat Man’ ie apostate antipope Benedict XVI.
* RJMI being taught scholastic nonsensical philosophical babble at college.
* RJMI recounts his times and interactions with St Lucy’s Novus Ordo church in NJ, Fr Paul Wickens American Legion Hall, Fr Goby’s Marian Movement of Priests, and Malachi Martin: Recounts his reactions to their denial of Catholic Dogmas and other sacrileges.
* The influence of the heretical Bayside prophecies and the fake Mary on nominal catholics.
* RJMI video "Fear of The Jews".
* Encounter with the SSPX and condemning their superior Lefebvre.
* Journeying through various false traditionalist groups.
* Discussion with the CMRI on death-bed conversions and their denial of Catholic dogmas.
* The Salvation Dogma book and religious indifferentism.
* The seriousness of denying and ignoring the Salvation Dogma.
* The only religious group that nominal catholics now condemn is true Catholics.

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