The wicked will all pay and suffer God wrath and judgements

1 year ago

God will make the wicked all pay in the tribulation period and will judge them all at the great white throne judgement, those who rejected Jesus are outside His protection and not forgiven at all, God anger and wrath is still on them all and you will have nothing to say when you stand before a Holy angry God and He tells you all your sins you did and everything you did alive, you will not have a lawyer defend you at all and those whose names are not found written in the Lamb book of life will be thrown into the lake of fire, they rejected Jesus and the door to salvation is shut to them forever, there is no second chance for those at the great white throne judgement, all the chances to accept Jesus are gone and the door is shut, you made your choice and there is nothing God can do at all, He will not allow anyone who does anything shameful or deceitful into the New jersalem at all, God is holy and hates sin and sinners, the wicked rejected Jesus and mock Him, use God name in vain, kill babies, abuse, rape, murder, say black lives matter and hate anyone who isn't black, they steal from the poor and get rich, they create religions like Catholics, Islam, Hinduism, Shintoism atheism, Judaism, Mormon cult, church of Christ, church of the Nazarene, Lutherans, Methodist, Baptist, wicca, yoga, liars, adulterers, gamblers, those who love their sexual immorality, full of pride, lust, hatred, hates Christians and kills them and persercutes them, mockers and scoffers, idol worshippers of Hindu god's, Catholic idol's, Hollywood, sex, fame, football, money, power, masks and vaccines, those who love magic art's, those outside Jesus are not forgiven at all, they are sinners and not forgiven by God at all, they are in the hands of a angry God, the fool says in his heart their is no God, then the 6th seal was opened and there was a huge earthquake the sun turned black like sackcloth made of goat hair , the moon turned blood red, and the stars fell out of the sky, the sky rolled back like a scroll rolling up and every mountain and island was removed from it's place, then the kings of the earth, the prince's, the generals, the rich, the mighty, and every slave and free man hid in caves and among the rocks of the mountain, they called out to the mountains and the rocks, fall on us and hide us from Him who sits on the throne and from the wrath of the Lamb, for the great day of their wrath has come and who can stand

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