Could An EMP Attack Destroy Bitcoin?

2 years ago

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In this video, I discuss the expected effects of an EMP attack on a country, as well as Bitcoin.

An EMP attack on a country or continent would be one of the most unimaginably horrific events.

The electromagnetic pulse (EMP) would destroy all electronics and anything with a semiconductor in it, thus taking out utilities, making cars and trucks unusable, etc. As modern services stopped working, we would see a descent into starvation, violence, and chaos.

Bitcoin is the best monetary solution in most scenarios, but in an EMP attack one will want to have one's own land, food sources, water source, medicine, and defense.

In both a normal scenario or an apocalyptic scenario, physical gold falls short.

An EMP attack would not destroy your Bitcoin-- it would just temporarily stop transactions from taking place. As soon as electricity and/or internet was restored to all or part of the world, the Bitcoin network could go back to confirming transactions and you would be able to access your Bitcoin again. A snapshot of the UTXO set right before the EMP attack could be used as the starting point for when the Bitcoin network comes back online.

Not investment advice! Consult a financial advisor.

Nuclear EMP:

The Growing Threat From an EMP Attack:

Starfish Prime:

One Atmospheric Nuclear Explosion Could Take Out the Power Grid:

Coronal mass ejection:

Carrington Event:

Faraday cage:

Blockstream satellite:

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