Mindful Meditation Frequency- 15 MIN

2 years ago

Beautiful Meditation Music and music for yoga. Individual shorter tracks and long play 1 hour tracks for total relaxation.

Meditation music is music performed to aid in the practice of meditation. It can have a specific religious content, but also more recently has been associated with modern composers who use meditation techniques in their process of composition, or who compose such music with no particular religious group as a focus.

There are six main solfeggio frequencies. They are;

The 396 Hz for liberating one from fear and guilt
The 417 Hz frequencies for facilitating change and undoing situations
The 528 Hz for miracles and transformations like DNA repair
The 639 Hz frequencies for relationships and reconnecting
The 741 Hz solfeggio frequencies for getting solutions and expressing themselves
The 852 Hz frequencies for returning one to a spiritual order
The 963 HZ solfeggio frequencies create room for oneness and unity.

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