The Four Drivers Of Regeneration

1 year ago

Ronnie Cummins
• Book - Grassroots Rising

#RonnieCummins #ConsumerActivist #PoliticalChange

Ronnie Cummins is an author of the book; Grassroots Rising: A Call to Action on Climate, Farming, Food, and a Green New Deal and has spent over 50 years as a professional activist starting with anti-war activism .

A practical, shovel-ready plan for anyone wondering what they can do to help address the global climate crisis
Grassroots Rising is a passionate call to action for the global body politic, providing practical solutions for how to survive―and thrive―in catastrophic times. Author Ronnie Cummins, founder and director of the Organic Consumers Association, aims to educate and inspire citizens worldwide to organize and become active participants in preventing ecological collapse.
This book offers a blueprint for building and supercharging a grassroots Regeneration Movement based on:
• Consumer activism
• Farmer innovation
• Political change
• Regenerative finance

Cummins asserts that the solution lies right beneath our feet and at the end of our forks through the transformation of our broken food system. Using regenerative agriculture practices that restore our agricultural and grazing lands, we can sequester massive amounts of carbon in the soil. Coupled with an aggressive transition toward renewables, he argues that we have the power to not only mitigate and slow down climate change, but actually reverse global warming by strengthening our infrastructure.
Grassroots Rising shows that a properly organized and executed Regeneration Revolution can indeed offer realistic climate solutions while also meeting our everyday needs.
“This is a ‘good news’ instructional book for Regeneration, a plan of action for the United States and the world to transition to climate stability, peace, justice, health, prosperity, cooperation, and participatory democracy.”―Ronnie Cummins

Ronnie Cummins is co-founder and International Director of the Organic Consumers Association (OCA) and its Mexico affiliate Via Organica.
(OCA) is a non-profit, U.S. based network of two million consumers, dedicated to safeguarding organic standards and promoting a healthy, just, and sustainable system of agriculture and commerce. The OCA’s primary strategy is to work on national and global campaigns promoting health, justice, and sustainability that integrate public education, marketplace pressure, media work, litigation, and grassroots lobbying.

Cummins has been active as a writer and activist since the 1960s, with extensive experience in public education, grassroots mobilization, and marketplace pressure campaigns. Over the past two decades he has served as director of US and international campaigns dealing with sustainable agriculture issues including food safety, genetic engineering, factory farming, and global warming. From 1992-98 Cummins served as a campaign director for the Foundation on Economic Trends in Washington, D.C. In 1998, Cummins co-founded the Organic Consumers Association, the largest network of organic consumers in the USA. In 2009 Cummins founded Via Organica, a network of organic consumers and farmers based in Mexico City and San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato. Cummins is a frequent lecturer, both in the US and abroad as well as a regular contributor to online publications such as Organic Bytes, Common Dreams, Truthout, Huffington Post, and Nation of Change. Cummins has published hundreds of articles in the alternative and mainstream press. He is also the author of a series of children’s books called "Children of the World," and also "Genetically Engineered Food: A Self-Defense Guide for Consumers" (Second Revised Edition Marlowe & Company 2004). Cummins lives with his wife and 17 year-old son in Minneapolis, Minnesota.
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