"Not free, not fluffy, not modern: Faith, Hope,& Charity" Fr Stanislaus-Quinquagesima Sunday 2/19/23

2 years ago

What did the Apostles and the ancient Church at Corinth have in common? None could see or properly understand what was right before their eyes: spiritual blindness. Our Lord portends to His Apostles but they can only see as far as their own plans and desires. The Apostle to the Gentiles does his best to clear up things for his own zealots but many see past the necessity of sacrifice and devotion done for the love of God. The "Gesima" season has reminded us about the loving and merciful Creation and its aftermath, the destruction of the Earth by the Flood, the faithfulness of Noah, as well as recalling the sacrifice of our great Patriarch and Father Abraham. These faithful recollections and their lessons should help us all in our continued preparedness and withstanding of the lenten sacrifices to come and that each sacrifice should be for His sake- not so much our own.
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