Learn how to become a better Straight/Hook ball bowler #112 with the Brooklyn Crusher 2-12-23

2 years ago

Bowled 11 games in 1.5 hours with a 176 avg. Seelye Ford rented all the lanes out from 12 to 2:30 this Sunday so couldn't bowl any longer then 11:30. to rent out the whole bowling alley it cost $15k.
My high game was a 217 with the back 7 but the front 5 frames weren't good. that's why it was a sorry 217 game with the back 7 strikes. Yikes.
I think I finally I know how to tape my thumb so the tape don't move at all. that is one of my biggest problems the tape would start sweating off after the first game & I would try to work with it but it kept throwing me off all the time.
last WED I bowled my high game on this years league of a 246 with a 573 series. I only had the front 4 Hambone strikes.
I always HOPE to do better the next time. maybe now I have a better chance of bowling better. my straight line does feel better with the tape not slipping off all the time. that's why I use to tape around my wrist = so when the tape slips off it don't go down the lane with the ball in the thumb.

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