Keepin' Me Alive with a Tearful Honor song (IMPORTANT: check description)

2 years ago

With the Red Bull Singer's "Tearful Honor"
(Typo; the Seven Students who were "killed by racism" photo should have read from 2000-2011, NOT 1019. And the end credits should rad "tearful HONOR song", not "T- HONG -S...", lol. Not sure what happened there, must have been one of those workin' till 6am dealies, lol. But I had to re-upload this video twice already due to glitches, and I'm not gonna do it again, lol.}
I tried my hand at a bit more intricate sound mixing. this was fun. I also just noticed that if you play this video with a good bass speaker system, you will pick up the overlapping drum beats more than you should. I don't have a top notch system so didn't notice it during the making of this video.

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