What is the best natural solution for minor cuts and burns?

1 year ago

Looking for a natural solution for minor cuts and burns?

After experience a batch of handmade ointment from infused Calendula and lavender, you’ll never even want that little yellow tube of poison, again, anyways!

Made with the herbs calendula and lavender, along with coconut and olive oil, with a few soothing drops of tea tree and lavender essential oil.

Add raw honey to this, and you’ve got a salve that’s easy to make and free from toxins found in store-bought tubes!

INGREDIENT LIST (yields 16oz)

1/2 cup Calendula infused ev olive oil
1/2 cup coconut oil
1/3 cup dried lavender
1/3 cup dried calendula
3 TB beeswax pellets
1 TB honey (optional)
10 drops tea tree essential oil
5 drops lavender essential oil

1) In a double boiler, combine the coconut oil and olive oil. Once melted, add your dried flowers. Keeping the heat on low, allow the herbs to infuse for 30 minutes.
2) Now add the beeswax, stirring until melted. And add the honey.
3) Take off the heat and add the essential oils.
4) Next, pour the mixture through the filter, filtering out the herbs.
5) The mixture will begin to solidify. If you’re using honey, stir every minute or two. The mixture takes about 5-10 minutes to fully set. Once set, it’s ready to use and will keep for 12 months at room temperature.

To learn more about the natural cures, join the herbalism group now: https://t.me/+fmBQBGo20pYwM2Q0
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