What is one of the best sources of electrolytes?

2 years ago

Curious about how coconut can improve your health?

🥥Health Benefits of Coconut

🥥As a person with Caribbean heritage coconut finds it’s way into almost all of my dishes but do you know all of the amazing health benefits that come with this superfood?

🥥Coconut water is literally THE best source of electrolytes. Instead of grabbing a sugary energy drink filled with artificial dyes try grabbing a bottles coconut water or the real thing for my folks in the tropics🏝

🥥Coconut milk doesn’t just tastes delicious in rice & peas or rundons, the milk can be added to smoothies for a powerful, vitamin filled immune boost!

🥥Basically, if you have the availability, I strongly recommend coconut as a reoccurring part of the diet, it does wonders for the body and tastes great😁

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