Testimonies on God's Provision | The Disciple Podcast Ep. 02

1 year ago

Today's interview is with Meghan Marks, a travelling disciple and evangelist. Meghan shares her testimony and how the Lord enabled her to travel across North America sharing the Gospel wherever Jesus is sending her. She talks about God's provision, how to be led by the Spirit and receive deliverance from unclean spirits. She also explains how we can learn to hear the voice of the Holy Spirit so we can be obedient to the Lord.

The disciple podcast is a place where we interview today's living and walking epistles of Christ. Come with us as we speak with ordinary disciples who continually lay down their lives for Christ and learn what they have to share about living a crucified life. We invite you to exalt Christ our Lord with us, gain insights and learn how you can also work in your Father’s business.

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Luk 10:2 NKJV - Then He said to them, "The harvest truly is great, but the laborers are few; therefore pray the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest.

"The Gospel will be preached in all the world, and then the end will come." Before the Lord's return, we will see a great harvest come in. While the world is in despair, true disciples of Christ will rise up to preach the Gospel, heal the brokenhearted, proclaim freedom to the captives and heal the sick.

It's simple. We make disciples and Jesus Christ builds His Church.

Saints must be equipped, trained, and sent out into the harvest fields.

Our goal is to make disciples who make disciples that change communities, cities and nations. As you receive the love of Jesus Christ through His Spirit, we want your heart to be transformed. This way you will lay down your life for Him and obey His commandments.

On this channel, we are looking to bring forth truths to the body of Christ that are found in the Word of God. Rather than following denominational views, traditions and opinions, we simply focus on our Lord Jesus Christ. He is the Truth and that is who we follow as disciples.

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