Pay, Spray, And Pray Is A Poor Marketing Program At Best

1 year ago

While your Google ads are “hard at work”, many entrepreneurs redirect their time and spend to non-marketing activities, later wondering why no one is actually calling them or requesting contact via form submit

Marketing and high intent lead acquisition is a hands on business

It demands actively creating a differentiated point of view, framework, and messaging delivered directly to where potential high intent prospects spend their time learning about new products and services, in the way that they want to consume it

Focus on teaching them about your value and why you are different than the competition, not simply clicks and impression volume

Clicks don’t sell. Inbound high intent sells. Focus on what will generate inbound high intent requests, not ice cold low intent clicks

That comes from your perceived prowess not your mere presence

Feel free to DM if you would like to chat

I’m on a mission to enlighten organizations to the dire need and success that come with differentiated value propositions that the market truly needs, wants, and desires

#strategy #differentiation #innovation
#sales #marketing #RevenueFuel

Dream BIG, act small, Differentiate Continuously

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