Dear D-‘elites’ y’all aren’t doing so well are you 🤣😂 🤣😂 🤣😂 🤣😂 🤣 @introverts008

2 years ago

Dear D-‘elites’ y’all aren’t doing so well are you 🤣😂 🤣😂 🤣😂 🤣😂 🤣 @introverts008
Original source via Tic Toc @introverts008 - Dear D-‘elites’ y’all aren’t doing so well are you Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Hah | @introverts008

Mirrored via Liberty TV Bitchute channel

What else can you say about a bunch of super egoistic, ultra arrogant, over zealous, aspergers syndrome, autism spectrum brained, supremacist, narcissistic, bunch of megalomaniac STUPID DUMB ASSES! All that Jewish brain intelligence and constantly getting caught in your endless LIES and Criminal CONSPIRACIES!

We who are Consciously Awakened and fully ALERT have been watching you all trip all over yourselves, trying to wipe us all out. NICE TRY ASS WIPES! We're all laughing at your STUPID DUMB ASSES! What a bunch of pathetic imbecilic CLOWNS! Bwahahahahahhahahahahahahahaaa.....😂 🤣😂 🤣😂 🤣😂 🤣😂 🤣😂 🤣 😛 😝 😜 🤪

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