D.C. Stephenson: Resting near Donnie Reagan

2 years ago

In the 1920s, D. C. Stephenson ruled the state of Indiana with supreme authority as the head of the largest Klan organization in the United States. From local government and law enforcement to state government officials to Indiana’s state politicians in Washington, Stephenson had gained authority far beyond what was organized under the United States Constitution. It was a vigilante Wild West in Indiana.

The Cadle Tabernacle, which has many ties to William Branham’s ministry and Branham’s inner circle, was the headquarters of the Klan. When former Congressman and “Message” promoter William D. Upshaw ran for President, for example, his campaign was managed from Cadle. Tabernacle founder E. Howard Cadle’s mother was from Utica, just minutes from where William Branham was raised.

Stephenson’s reign in Indiana came to a screeching halt after the brutal murder of Madge Oberholtzer. This led to a quick decline in membership and political influence of the Klan in the State of Indiana. After his conviction, William Branham’s mentor and former second-in-command, Roy E. Davis, set up his organization in Jeffersonville to strategically collect some of the fallout.

Interestingly, D. C. Stephenson was buried in Johnson City, TN. Johnson City is home of “Message” cult leader Donny Reagan, who was named “America’s Most Racist Pastor” by social media after he preached sermons mentioning quotes from Branham’s white supremacy doctrine.

You can learn this and more on william-branham.org.

Donny Reagan:

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