Virgo Full Moon Mar 7 '23 Astrology, Affirmations and Harmonies #astrology #virgo #fullmoon #sound

2 years ago
26 This Virgo Full Moon asks us to balance our powerful empathy for others with Virgo’s wise discernment, while letting go of the need to micro-manage, and all that does not serve our higher purpose. We also have a conjunction in Aries with Venus/Jupiter/Chiron providing us with a powerful opportunity to heal our identity and establish healthy boundaries. This helps give direction and purpose to the overall seesaw between Virgo-Pisces. Thank you for supporting my channel and services. For the best listening experience of the harmonic blends, good speakers or headphones are recommended, and most smart phones work well.

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Timestamp for Affirmations and Harmonies 9:32

Written Affirmations:

Sun/Full Moon/Chiron (for Virgo FM):
I am fully committed to healing the body/mind/spirit connection in myself so that it becomes contagious in the world around me.

Sun/Mercury/Neptune conj.
My dreamworld and inner dialog create a powerful gateway for manifesting heaven on earth.

Sun/Moon/Mars t-square
I confidently move forward in service to others, and ultimately manifest the fulfillment of my dreams.

Moon (Virgo)/Venus(Aries) quincunx
The blending of discernment with a courageous heart creates a brand new path toward fulfillment.

Moon/Uranus trine
The universe supports my unique service work with unexpected miracles and abundance.

Moon/Neptune opp
By trusting in divine timing, I am able to release all criticism toward self and others, and this gives way to compassion for all life.

Venus/Jupiter/Chiron conjunction
I now experience the healing of my own identity that encourages me to step out in service and be an inspiration to others.

Mars/Neptune square
I now easily blend my ambition and courage with divine insight and wisdom for the fulfillment of my goals and dreams.

Saturn/Sedna square:
My old perceptions of time, space, and government now dissolve, giving way to universal law that governs with immediate reciprocity.

Pluto/Sedna trine:
An old system of power based upon competition and conquering now gives way to a new system that honors all life on our planet and in the cosmos.

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