USS Nitze reached the Bosphorus in Istanbul before the EarthQuake - HAARP TERROR

2 years ago

Surprisingly, with over 100 cruise missiles in its luggage, the warship USS Nitze (DDG-94) reached the Bosphorus in Istanbul last Sunday, February 4, 2023, and finally anchored in Dolmabaçe.
This unusual arrival of the US warship in Turkey was feared ahead of the start of the devastating earthquake that has ravaged the Middle East.

On the same day, Turkish Interior Minister Süleyman Soylu told the American ambassador in Ankara to keep his dirty hands off Turkey. You know what the Americans are up to. The fact that the USS Nitze was equipped with an electromagnetic HAARP system made it suspicious.
Shipping normally occurs only in countries that are being colonized or threatened with colonization. At the same time, the Turkish media landscape wrote that the crew of the USS Nitze arrived in Turkey to learn about the local culture. It was reported that the ship was being escorted by the Coast Guard, which included 500 soldiers, and would be taken to Gölcük.
In Gölcük itself, people are protesting the arrival of the US warship as it is polluting their homeland. "Leave our country!" they shouted. Meanwhile, Turkish conspiracy theorists accused the Americans of using tectonic weapons against Turkey. They believe that the earthquakes in the Middle East are man-made and not nature itself. According to Turkish experts, the closure of eight embassies of European countries and also the American embassy for security reasons and the arrival of the warship before the earthquake hit are no coincidences , as revealed by video evidence of strange and inexplicable explosions.
⚡️Earthquakes by ELF waves - HAARP the earthQuake and Weather manipulation war machines
06.02.22 EarthQuakes & Tsunami in TURKEY & SYRIA
⚡️🔥C.I.A admitts Climate control and change by HAARP
⚡️🔥HAARP - (High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program)
HAARP - geo engineering projects including weather modification

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