NFL/NHL Pro Bowl & All Star Week Recap The Super Bowl is Here And The 3 Idoits Are Here To Talk Ep15

2 years ago

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Sooooooooo Much to talk about from probowl week to the Allstars to the super bowl to Zegras and the NHL.. As per usual the worst takes and opinons on the internet are back again to wow you with stoogery.. maybe you'll join us with a cold snack, wobble pop or nice dark cup of coffee and hey maybe youll get a laugh out of it but most likely youll get that cringe feeling knowing these guys think there smart and act like there smart but geez wiz they sure aren't... If you have subbed well bless ya and glad to have you along... we Have lots of questoins that need answered and we Obviously dont have any idea what we are talking about so be a friend and help us out down below.. dont worry we wont tell anyone you watched this...

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