
2 years ago


Theresa Contaxis is an author, reverend, and student for life. She recently published The Littlest Sailboat: A Journey of the Soul (IPBBooks), an inspiring tale of how one finds their place in this world and calls upon faith for guidance. Contaxis suffered from loneliness and depression while pregnant with her third child. It was then that she found herself on a formal spiritual journey, attending a spiritual retreat, EMMAUS. The retreat was a defining moment in her life that forever changed her direction.

A mother of three, Contaxis studied under a nun, multiple energy workers, James Twyman, and two shamans for two years before becoming a Reverend at All Faiths Seminary International. She has studied mysticism from various spiritual leaders. Her writings reflect her spiritual evolution.

“It is important to laugh as you learn and grow,” she says. “I am grateful the Spirit teaches me through humor. I have lots of examples of that. For those that are at the end of the rope, there is always hope. For those who feel unloved, that they are loved, loving and lovable. This applies to all people. Especially those who feel they have led a ‘bad’ life. They are loved. And underneath the actions that we see, our spirits are always connected to God, Source, Divine, Ralph whatever you want to call it.”

She graduated from Hartt School of Music and earned an MBA from University of Hartford. She worked in finance for a short time, and then stayed home to raise her family. Theresa resides in Tolland, Massachusetts.

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