Mickey Has a Meltdown

2 years ago

Creepy cyberstalker Mickey Farley just had a drunken meltdown in Alecia Shepherd's text chat, and he revealed even more disturbing information about himself and his screwed-up family.

Mickey posted alleged home and work nunbers in a pathetic attempt to hook up with me...I assume it was for a sexual liason, as he went on about how he thought I was gay, before mentioning a reference to his penis size.

Also Mickey posted that his mother had walked around in her underwear and fondled him, which he claims did irreparable damage to him.

And then Mickey, in an attempt at witness intimidation, threatened to sue me with a lawyer his father had retained...the same father who was too weak to protect him from his incestuous mother.

Mickey/John, I am not worried about your lawyer and I am not withdrawing my complaints to the authorities.

Publicly admit to your cybercrimes, delete all of your social media accounts, get lost and do not come back.

Mickey/John, you are a creepy weird perverted lying effed-up sociopath and I want nothing to do with you.

I would rather you disappear than end up in prison...but you might like the attention you will get in prison.

Everybody else, Rock On! 👊


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