Trump: "We're On The Brink Of World War III"

2 years ago

In a video released by former President Donald Trump’s 2024 campaign, The former President delivered a message about the possibility of a World War III. According to him, the world has never been closer to this catastrophic event than it is today. To avoid such an outcome, he argues that the United States needs to rid itself of warmongers and globalists who hold positions in the deep state, Pentagon, State Department, and national security industrial complex.

One of the reasons Trump gives for being the only president in generations who did not start a war is his rejection of the catastrophic advice from Washington's generals, bureaucrats, and so-called diplomats. Trump called out individuals such as Victoria Nuland and others who seek confrontation, particularly with Ukraine. He pointed out that the State Department supports uprisings in Ukraine and has been pushing the country toward NATO for a long time.

Trump argues that the United States needs to get rid of the corrupt globalist establishment that has botched every major foreign policy decision for decades, including President Biden. Trump's argument is backed by the fact that President Biden's own people admit that he has never made a good decision when it comes to looking at other countries and wars.

Trump takes pride in the progress made during his presidency in putting the America last contingent aside and bringing peace to the world. He promises to continue this mission by creating a different state department, Pentagon, and national security establishment. He is confident that by the end of his administration, these establishments will be very different and effective in getting things done.

Trump also calls for an end to lobbyists and big defense contractors who push senior military and national security officials toward conflict only to reward them with lucrative jobs when they retire. He warns against globalist warmongering donors who support his opponents as they are candidates of war. Trump promises to deliver peace through strength and put an end to the Ukraine conflict in 24 hours with the right leadership.

In conclusion, Trump's message is that the United States needs competent national security officials who believe in defending America's vital interests to avoid a catastrophic World War III. The United States must rid itself of the corrupt globalist establishment that has failed to defend America's vital interests.

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